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- The following is an outline of the late 20th-century events prophesied
- by the 16th-century French psychic known as Michel Nostradamus.
- Nostradamus has predicted in great detail such events as the French
- Revevolution, World War I, Hitler's Rise and Fall, and even the Kennedy
- Assassinations. Nearly two-thirds of all his predictions have come
- true. If two-thirds of this comes true, we're in for some trouble! HBO
- produced a movie called "The Man Who Saw Tomorrow," which documents the
- life and predictions of Nostradamus. These prophecies are based on and
- adapted from the book, NOSTRADAMUS PREDICTS THE END OF THE WORLD by Rene
- Noorbergen, who wrote several books on psychics.
- I have drawn on a world map with colored markers all of the invasions,
- nuke strikes, etc., with the number of each event placed with the
- respective arrows and circles on the map. Print this up and save it,
- then compare Nostradamus's predictions to actual world events. You may
- be surprised!
- Permission is granted to distribute this file among friends and bulletin
- boards, so long as the text below this sentence is unchanged. (Sure,
- you can edit any spelling errors and/or ARChive it).
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- THE PROPHECIES OF NOSTRADAMUS, summarized by Mike Brown 4/86 and 8/86
- From "Nostradamus Predicts the End of the World," Copyright (c) 1981
- by Rene Noorbergen. Note: These are not necessarily in exact order.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (1) Communism in Russia will decline, beginning in the Ukraine as a
- result of trade differences with the West. This will occur
- around Easter.
- (2) The United States and Russia will become better friends.
- (3) A great power will unify the Far East with negotiation and
- pressure.
- (4) This power will disrupt peace attempts, and the Middle and Far
- Easterners will attempt to settle their differences with force.
- (5) A meteor will strike the center of the Indian Ocean, causing
- tidal waves that will heavily damage the surrounding lands.
- (6) A powerful dictator will dominate the Middle East. He will
- tyrranize Syria, Iraq, and Jordan. [Maybe Khomeini?]
- (7) On August 2nd, 1987 he will attack Iran, Turkey, and Egypt with
- an army of nearly a million men. [This date was reached by
- astronomy; the astronomical event only occurs on that day.]
- (8) Arab forces in Tunisia and Algeria and north-Moroccan guerillas
- will invade Morocco's pro-Western monarchy and overthrow its
- king.
- (9) Israel will be defeated by the Arabs, with her airforce
- destroyed.
- (10) A Libyan leader will create much tension in Europe. [Definitely
- Khadaffi.]
- (11) A "red one" [a Cardinal of the Roman Church or maybe a TWA jet]
- will be taken by Arab terrorists at sea.
- (12) The Arabs will try to unify more of Africa by overthrowing
- pro-Western governments. The Oriental leader will do the same.
- (13) Arab armies will threaten central & southern Africa into
- alliances favorable to the Middle-East.
- (14) The Arab attacks in Turkey will be followed by attacks on the
- Greek navy. The U.S. will attempt to resupply the navy, but
- Cyprus will be lost to the Arabs.
- (15) A series of tremendous earthquakes originating in Central Asia
- will cause destruction throughout the warring Greece and Turkey.
- (16) Romania and Bulgaria will threaten war with the Arabs when the
- Bosphorus Straits are cut off, thus interfering with commercial
- and military ship movements.
- (17) The U.S. and U.S.S.R. will form a military alliance against the
- both the Far Eastern power and the Arabs. The U.S. will grow in
- fame, praise, rule, and power, and will even threaten the East
- with war.
- (18) Geneva talks will fall apart, with the feeling that peace is
- unattainable. [Uh-oh here it comes.]
- ** WORLD WAR ]I[ **
- (19) China will launch a surprise nuclear biological-warfare attack
- over the Arctic, affecting Scandinavia, Northern Russia, Alaska,
- and Canada. Another attack will originate from a space vehicle
- 270 miles up.
- (20) The Chinese will invade France by way of southern Russia,
- conquering all in their path.
- (21) The Turks will sign a treaty with the Chinese, but it will be
- broken when Arab naval forces from Tripoli (Libya) attack the
- west coast of Turkey.
- (22) The Chinese army will devastate northeastern Turkey with the aid
- of nukes.
- (23) The Arabs and Chinese will attack Greece with germ warfare, which
- will affect the environment for 9 months.
- (24) Albania, China's ally, will invade Greece in a surprise attack
- using light armored vehicles.
- (25) A Western coordinated counter-offensive launched from Portugal
- will delay an amphibious assault on Yugoslavia by [guess who].
- (26) The Easterners will advance into Yugoslavia and unleash
- bacteriological weapons in central Italy to hinder Western
- counter-attack efforts.
- (27) Greece and Italy will be attacked simultaneously by the Eastern
- forces.
- (28) When Yugoslavia is overrun, a devastating drought will hit Italy.
- (29) Italy will dissolve into dissenting factions and go into its own
- civil war. The Albanians will further promote the civil war by
- paying off corrupt government officials.
- (30) Eastern forces will attack Rome from Albania using aerial
- bombardment and germ weapons. They will attack Venice. Central
- Mediterranean islands will be evacuated, even as far as Malta.
- Venice will fall.
- (31) The French fleet will be destroyed in the Adriatic Sea as it
- tries to cut off the Easterners in Italy from their Albanian
- suppliers. The French and Italian naval defeats will keep food
- from reaching the starving Italians.
- (32) The Easterners will develop a new land/sea weapon to attack
- coastal areas.
- (33) The Easterners control of the Po Valley from Venice will give
- them total rule. A French/Italian attampt to forstall Italy's
- fall will be crushed.
- (34) In order to avoid being wiped out, the French commander will
- withdraw and regroup his soldiers along the Po in the upper
- valley.
- (35) England will partially sink as a result of geological alterations
- and cause the deaths of 250,000 people. [This event has been
- foreseen by at least 4 other famous psychics, also.]
- (36) An Easter earthquake will rip open an English temple.
- (37) Around New-Year's, the Easterners will begin a massive invasion
- of the western Italian coast, southern France, Sicily, Corsica,
- and Sardinia by the use of nuclear and germ weapons. The French
- fleet will be obliterated.
- (38) The Papacy will leave Rome and a new Pope will be elected.
- (39) The French armies will be cut off in Northern Italy.
- (40) Prince Albert will be kidnapped in North-Central Italy after the
- French unsuccessfully try to cut Eastern supply lines from
- Venice.
- (41) The French will again regroup their forces, and will capture a
- beachhead. This will be a turning point in the Franco-Chinese
- war.
- (42) Ill-timed French-Italian attacks will cause the loss of Florence
- and Siena by Eastern nukes, and Pavia will be lost by the use of
- germ weapons.
- (43) Monaco and Genoa will be annhilated by the Easterners.
- (44) Ten assassins will be sent to murder the commander of the French
- fleet, but they will fail and a sea battle will take place. The
- French will again lose their forces on land and sea.
- (45) A battle will be fought at the major French port of Marseilles,
- creating an opening through which the attackers can enter. The
- resulting massacre of nearly half a million Frenchmen will make
- people flee far northward.
- (46) Toulouse, Foix, and Narbonne will be taken.
- (47) Bacteria will spread northward.
- (48) Easterners will release deadly bacteria from specialized ships at
- France's port, Agde. Airforces will bomb Switzerland and
- Germany.
- (49) Extensive use of nuclear and germ weapons will compose the first
- phase of the Eastern offensive against all of Europe, striking in
- France, Italy, and Spain.
- (50) The Chinese will attack France via air, sea, and mountain.
- (51) The Easterners will invade the Balkans to cut off the U.S.S.R.
- from its Eastern European allies.
- (52) A North-African fleet will enter the Black Sea and attack
- Romania, Bulgaria, and southwestern Russia.
- (53) A Chinese/Arab assault from Morocco will attack southern Spain
- with nukes. This will be followed by an invasion along the River
- Guadalquivir. The invasion will procede northward, with the
- destruction of Seville, Barcelona, and Leon. The Spanish will
- halt the advance for 7 months at the River Ebro, but they will
- eventually be crushed.
- (54) An Allied fleet will destroy supply bases in the Cyclades, but
- will be defeated near Malta, when the French lose Italy.
- (55) Eastern bombers will attack deep into Europe with bacteriological
- weapons.
- (56) Switzerland will fall by the hand of the Easterners, who will
- confiscate the gold reserves and impoverish the Swiss people.
- (57) The Easterners will start extensive bombing of central & northern
- French cities in preparation for a land attack. The French will
- fly in defenses beforehand, though. Central France will be
- overrun regardless.
- (58) Paris will be surrounded, and attempts to get Allied air support
- will be in vain. Paris will surrender after Eastern forces find
- a weak spot in the defense, enter the city, and engage in hand-
- to-hand combat. The surrender will only be a cover to organize a
- counter attack a week later. That will surprise the Easterners,
- but they'll drive the Parisians back into the city. Over 300,000
- will be killed or imprisoned. Paris will be completely defeated.
- (59) A British taskforce will land in southwest France and attempt to
- reach Paris, but will be stopped at Poitiers.
- (60) The British will reorganize in Canada and send an invasion force
- to establish a beachhead on France's southwest coast. With the
- aid of nukes, they march on to Bordeax and Toulouse. The British
- plan will be to cut off occupied Spain from France and also to
- gain an opening into the Mediterranean.
- (61) A sudden attack from the Easterners will slaughter British and
- American forces and will allow the Chinese leader a new command
- center, Carcassone.
- (62) He will detontate a series of high-altitude, high-yield atomic
- devices which will ignite the atmosphere and cause a firestorme
- over southwest France, but this will also cause his own base to
- be destroyed.
- (63) The Scots, left on their island, deny Britain permission to use
- their land for a military base, and seek Eastern aid when British
- forces invade out of desperation. The resulting battle will
- defeat the British.
- (64) All life in London will die out during winter as disease sweeps
- what is now the city-island.
- (65) Poland and East Germany will ally with the Easterners and strike
- against the smaller countries, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Austria,
- and West Germany.
- (66) West Germany and Austria will be invaded. West Germany's border
- will be split down the middle again. Netherlands, Belgium, and
- northern France will also be raided.
- (67) At the same time of the German/Austrian invasions, Western forces
- will attack the Persian Gulf to weaken the heart of the Middle
- East.
- (68) German leaders will cause the downfall of Central European
- defenses, along with Eastern attacks from East Germany and
- Yugoslavia.
- (69) The Allies will make their last stand at Bruges in northwest
- Belgium. The Eastern Forces will dominate nearly all of Europe.
- ** The Allies take the Offensive **
- (70) Nuclear stikes will be made against America and Russia, and food
- will become in short supply. The U.S. will be forced into
- economic chaos, with looters and riters raiding banks and shops
- for food, money, and supplies.
- (71) A CONFLAG (Cluster Orbital Nuclear Fire-weapon for Light
- Atmospere iGnition) system will be launched from China and
- detonated above New England, burning as far south as New York
- City.
- (72) New York will be partially destroyed by a great earthquake that
- will partially sink Manhattan island.
- (73) The Orientals will attempt to invade the U.S. near New York, but
- the U.S. navy will easily repel their attack. American Orientals
- will be placed in "protective custody."
- (74) The Easterners will infiltrate Latin America and murder the
- president of Brazil. Their navy will attempt to take the Panama
- Canal, but it will be unsuccessful and the attacking force will
- be obliterated.
- (75) The U.S. and Russia will resort to germ warfare to retalliate.
- (76) The U.S.S.R. will be invaded from three directions, but careful
- preparation will allow them to use chemical weapons against the
- Chinese.
- (77) To prepare to attack Asia, Eastern forces will set up Pacific
- defenses. They will entrap a U.S. fleet, but Russia will aid the
- encircled Americans and help to defeat the Chinese navy.
- (78) The American Air Force will make bombing runs deep into Europe.
- Seven months later the U.S. and Russia will make a joint attack
- on China that will last a full week without stopping. The
- Eastern forces will be defeated in their homeland, thus severely
- weakening their power.
- (79) Scotland and London will be recaptured by the Allies. A new
- Middle-Eastern commander will make his headquarters in Rome.
- (80) Scandinavia, the Baltic states, and the Balkans will all be
- attacked by the Allies.
- (81) The British will liberate southwest France, which will be
- reinforced by other Western armies. The allies will penetrate
- from La Rochelle into central France, to Roanne. Another
- invasion force will land near Calais and slowly make its way to
- northeastern France.
- (82) Central and Southern France will be liberated as the Allies
- continue to push onward.
- (83) The Arabs and Far Easterners no longer will be able to work
- together after the defeats in the Pacific, and this weakens their
- still-resisting armies.
- (84) Many battles will be fought as Allied forces make their way to
- Marseilles, the Easterners' stronghold and supply port. This
- will be coordinated with a submarine assault on southern France.
- (85) French and British forces will seize the Spanish city of
- Barcelona, and move on to aid in the successful Allied attack on
- Marseilles.
- (86) Nice will be retaken, but the Arabs will attack from Spain and
- Italy, recapturing parts of southern and southeastern France. At
- the same time, the Arabs will launch a missile attack against the
- Allies in Northern France. This attack will be unsuccessful, and
- the Arabs will be driven back.
- (87) The Allies will use bacteriological weapons against Lausanne,
- Switzerland, forcing the Arabs to retreat.
- (88) Spain will be reconquered after a large naval battle on March
- 3rd, 1996.
- (89) The Allies will make a massive onslaught into Italy, liberating
- it. The Church will be returned to Rome.
- (90) The Arabs will be forced all the way back into northern Africa,
- but a French force will be annihilated as it tries to cross the
- Adriatic Sea.
- (91) The Allies will attack the Mediterranean islands.
- (92) A secret and very successful raid will be made by the Allies to
- free POW's in Turkey.
- (93) Southern Arabia will be nuked by the Allies, but the Arabs will
- recapture Sicily. This will have little effect, though, and soon
- all of central Europe will be liberated.
- (94) 5000 Far Easterners will die when losing Crete and Greece to the
- Allies.
- (95) The French, under a new leader named Ogmios, will lead an Allied
- assault on Turkey between May 25th and June 21st, 1996. The
- Arabs there will be defeated. Northern Turkey will be liberated
- on October 3rd.
- (96) Western amphibious attacks will fail, and Arab saboteurs will
- destroy an Allied military base after a defeat in one battle.
- (97) In a surprise attack, the Western forces will attack and defeat
- the Eastern navy.
- (98) Allies will infiltrate the Middle East, stabbing into occupied
- Israel, Syria, and Jordan. Arab resistance will disintegrate,
- and within a month the last Eastern forces, in Central and South
- America, will surrender. Israel will be liberated.
- (99) The Westerners will attack Middle Eastern positions in India,
- defeating all.
- (100) The desparate Arabs will fight 3 last-ditch battles in eastern
- Iran and Northeastern Turkey. The last battle will bring about
- the collapse of the Arab empire. The Arab commander-in-chief
- will be killed in his own headquarters.
- (101) The battles will eventually cease in Iran, and World War ]I[ will
- finally be over. The Allies win again!
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